Macy's EDI program

Macy’s EDI Program Requirements

Macy’s EDI Program includes the terms and conditions of trading VICS (Voluntary Inter-industry Commerce Solutions) EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) documents with Macy’s and its subsidiaries.

Macy’s EDI Program requires that each party may electronically transmit to or receive from the other party any of the transaction sets (documents) listed in Vendor Standards Manual Packet. Any transmission of data, which is a Document, shall have no force or effect between the parties unless transmitted in accordance with the published industry guidelines. Macy’s EDI Program states that documents will be transmitted electronically to each party either directly or through any third party  provider (Provider) with which either party may contract. Either party may modify its election to use, not use or change a Provider upon prior notice.

Each party shall be responsible for the costs of any Provider with which it contracts. Each party shall be liable for the acts or omissions of its Provider. If both the parties use the same provider, the originating party shall be liable for the acts of omission of such Provider as to such Document. Each party, at its own expense, shall provide and maintain the equipment, software, services and testing necessary to effectively and reliably transmit and receive Documents. Each party shall properly use those security procedures, which are reasonably sufficient to ensure that all transmissions of Documents are authorized and to protect its business records and data from improper access.

Macy’s EDI Program documents shall not be deemed to have been properly received and no Documents shall give rise to any obligation, until accessible to the receiving party at the designated electronic mail box. Upon receipt of any Document, the receiving party shall promptly and properly transmit, a functional acknowledgment in return. A functional acknowledgment does not serve as an acknowledgment of data content but confirms that a transmission was received.

If any transmitted Document is received in an unintelligible or garbled form, the receiving party shall promptly notify the originating party in a reasonable manner. In the absence of such a notice, the originating party’s records of the contents of such Document shall control. These terms are to be considered part of any other written agreement, specifically the terms and conditions of Macy’s EDI Program.

Information contained in any Document exchanged between the parties shall be considered confidential, unless specifically authorized otherwise. These Macy’s EDI Program terms constitute the parties binding purchase and sale obligations. Each party shall adopt as its signature an electronic identification consisting of symbol(s) or code(s), which are to be affixed to or contained in each Document transmitted by such party (“Signatures”). Each party agrees that any Signature of such party affixed to or contained in any transmitted Document shall be sufficient to verify such party originated such Document. Neither party shall disclose to any unauthorized person the Signatures of the other party.

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