Monitoring EDI Processing, Message Types and Delivery Schedule

Monitoring EDI ProcessingMonitoring EDI processing (information flow in IT-Systems) on a regular basis is done by both parties in order to ensure an accurate communication and complete data transfer. Note that Continental considers EDI to be received by Supplier when the data transmission (EDI or WEB EDI) has been sent successfully from Continental’s ERP-System.

Therefore, both Parties check if received message(s) are complete, correct, and plausible. If any deviations are noted, the respective Party must inform the responsible Continental or Supplier contact without undue delay. Delivery Schedules and Inventory Reports are released regularly (daily/ weekly/ bi-weekly) on a rolling basis. A new Delivery Schedule or Inventory Report Data Report updates the previous one completely. This means the next release of the message(s) replaces completely the preceding ones. The last received message is decisive.

EDI Supported Business Communication

According to the Preferred Sourcing Model and EDI format Supplier and Continental shall exchange certain messages. However, detailed content of the message (e.g. data structure, format), mode, or frequency of transmission may vary from one Continental location to another depending on the agreed (Preferred) Sourcing Model, the Contract Product and systems settings at each ordering Continental location. Therefore, this manual covers what kind of information is Continental capable to communicate in messages rather than describe details on the EDI format and used structure.

Delivery Schedule

In general, a Delivery Schedule is a communication that is sent from Continental who is planning to use or consume products of a Supplier who has to plan for the supply of the Contract Products. The message gives the requirements regarding details for short terms deliveries and/or medium to longterm scheduling. This Delivery Schedule message is sent by EDI and the current Continental company standard format is a GLOBAL DELFOR based on EDIFACT standard (e.g. EDIFACT D.04A). This message might also be referred to as DELINS (Scheduling Agreement Lines) or DELFOR01 (Forecast Delivery Schedule).

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