Noridian EDI Claims Submission

Noridian EDI Claims Submission General Information

Noridian EDI Claims Submission is the best way to reach effectiveness for thousands of submitters across multiple lines of business. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) provides the ability to quickly and efficiently exchange healthcare information (including Noridian EDI Claims Submission processing) in a safe, secure and cost effective way.

Submitters wishing to submit production claims electronically to Noridian must first pass a testing process. EDISS (Noridian EDI Support Services) defines a Submitter as an entity that exchanges electronic health care information with EDISS. During the testing process, EDISS works closely with the Submitter to ensure the claim file meets the structure and format required, and that claim data contains specific requirements for claims processing. To alleviate the testing process, Billing Services and Clearinghouses have the option of obtaining Blanket Approval.

Noridian EDI Claims Submission advantages:

  • Earlier payment of electronic claims – Claims submitted electronically, depending on the line of business, are historically paid earlier than paper claims.
  • Earlier detection of errors – Healthcare information submitted electronically benefits from earlier detection of errors. Different levels of editing are conducted upon submission of the electronic transaction prior to being sent to the payment system. This editing drastically reduces the likelihood of claims being rejected or denied for payment within the claims processing system.
  • Lower administrative, postage, and handling costs – Claims submitted electronically reduce postage and other paper-related expenses while increasing efficiency. By getting an electronic remittance you will experience increased efficiency if the electronic remittance can auto post to your accounting software.
  • Availability of free software – EDISS provides free billing software, PC-ACE Pro32, for claim submission.

EDI Support Services believes the more we work together to exchange information electronically, the more effectively we can partner to focus on our customer – the recipient of health care benefits. With EDI you are only a click away from being connected.

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