Orchard Shipments

Orchard Shipments Important Notes: Prepaid Shipments and UPS Small Package Criteria

Orchard Shipments specific requirements described in the blog refer to company Prepaid suppliers and UPS Small Package Criteria.

Prepaid Shipments

Prepaid suppliers are responsible for the transportation of their shipments to each Orchard Shipments destination (DC or store) and carrier payment with the carrier of their choice. Prepaid supplier’s Bill of Lading must be marked as “Prepaid”. Prepaid suppliers are responsible for their carrier’s performance in delivering each shipment to the Orchard destination on the scheduled date and time. Prepaid suppliers are responsible for any damage or shortage claims incurred by their carrier.

In the event that Proof of Delivery (POD) is required for a shipment, prepaid suppliers are responsible for providing the information. Prepaid suppliers are responsible for the accuracy of the piece count for each trailer as reported on the associated Bill of Lading and transmitted in the ASN Ship Notice. All supplier prepaid carriers showing up on a non-scheduled delivery day, outside the agreed upon carrier arrival window, or without a delivery appointment, may be turned away.

UPS Small Package

UPS is the designated small package carrier used by Orchard for all collect small package shipments. Do not confuse UPS Parcel for UPS LTL Freight. Orchard does not use UPS LTL Freight. Small Package Shipment Criteria UPS shipments must meet the “Small Package” shipment criteria for the applicable ‘Ship To’ facility or store and the “UPS Package Size & Weight Limits” as indicated below.

  • Maximum weight per package or master carton not to exceed 150 lbs.
  • Packages weighing over 70 lbs, will need to be labeled as an overweight shipment.
  • Maximum weight of combined shipping containers (packages or master cartons) in a single shipment to a single destination is 749 lbs.
  • Maximum package length and girth combined cannot exceed 165 inches for shipments to Distribution Center (DC) and stores, and 130 inches for shipments direct to store.
  • Packages exceeding 108 inches in length are considered oversized – make note on the Routing Request in Orchard TMS under Special Instructions.
  • The supplier is responsible for contacting UPS to schedule a pick up. The supplier will identify their company as an Orchard supplier schedule exists, prepaid suppliers or their carrier must call (209) 833-3131 to schedule a delivery appointment no later than 48 hours prior to delivery.
  • All supplier prepaid carriers showing up on a non-scheduled delivery day, outside the agreed upon carrier arrival window, or without a delivery appointment, may be turned away.

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