Orchard Supply Ship Notice

Orchard Supply Ship Notice / Manifest  Hierarchical Data Structure

Orchard Supply Ship Notice / Manifest is structured hierarchically with 4 levels: shipment, order, tare (pallet) or pack (carton), and item (SKU). One shipment level data area can be included per Orchard Supply Ship Notice / Manifest transaction set. One or more orders with the same ship to unit number in the same bill of lading may be reported in a shipment. One or more tares or packs may be reported for each order. Finally, one or more items may be reported for each pack or tare.

Pack or tare level data must be included to report the contents of each shipping container. Two hierarchical data structures are supported when packaging levels are used: Pick and Pack and Standard Carton Pack. Each structure contains the same 4 levels, i.e., Shipment, Order, Tare or Pack, and Item and the usage of the segments within each level is basically the same. The only difference between the two structures is the order in which the levels may appear within the transaction set and the use of the Hierarchical Structure Code within the BSN segment.

The use of this code in BSN05 informs Orchard of the structure of the transaction set. The essential difference in the two is where the Item level is positioned in relation to the Packaging level (Pack or Tare).

The two data structures cannot be mixed within the same 856. For the Pick and Pack Structure, the Item is subordinate to the Packaging level, i.e., the specification of the SKU is always within the shipment container (packaging level).

The order of the hierarchical levels is: Shipment, Order, Packaging, and Item. The shipping container is specified, then all SKU’s within the shipping container are identified. This data structure should be used when different SKU’s are packed within the same shipping container and when the Tare level will be used.

For the Standard Carton Pack Structure, the Item is subordinate to the Order level and the Packaging level is subordinate to the Item level; i.e., the specification of the shipping containers is always within the SKU (Item level). The SKU is specified, then all the shipping containers for the SKU’s are identified. The order or sequence of the hierarchical levels are Shipment, Order, Item and Packaging (Tare or Pack). This data structure may be used when identical SKU’s are packed within the same shipping container. You may choose to report one order per transaction (single-order processing) or many orders per transaction (multi-order processing); either method is acceptable.

If you are packing more than one order in the same physical container, you must report all those orders in the same 856 transaction set (multi-order) and in the same HL-Order level and you must reference the PO in the PRF segment at the Item level instead of the PRF at the Order level. You may not mix merchandise for different departments in the same physical shipping container. Orchard requires an accurate carton count and total weight for each Order level. This additional information, reported in the TD1 segment, is critical to the receiving process.

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