edi outsourcing

EDI Outsourcing and ways to raise the effectiveness of Electronic Data Interchange process EDI Outsourcing is a critical business function – EDI can be outsourced. In the early days of EDI, a company would purchase an EDI system and assign someone from the IT department to look after it. Over the years, the technology has evolved. Trading relationships have expanded, and the cost Read More →

EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time Formula EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time  formula given in today’s post is described for better understanding of the EDI process flow during goods delivery. One of the benefits of using EDI is that it speeds up order-to-delivery cycle time. Please see EDI Order To Delivery Cycle Time formula Read More →

EDI 837

EDI 837 transaction structure – Transaction Set Header (ST) and Transaction Set Trailer (SE) EDI 837  Health Care Claim general envelope structure was described earlier in the blog. Below  find the description of two structural parts of an EDI 837 Health Care Claim element. Transaction Set Header (ST) This is the third segment of all EDI transactions including EDI 837. Read More →