EDI Service Providers – role of outsourcing in EDI process EDI Service Providers are third parties in electronic data interchange. An EC/EDI relationship with your trading partners can be overwhelming and complex. With global trade and technology changing so rapidly it can be difficult to keep up and will likely become more complex over time. The Read More →


EDI data integration considerations EDI data integration is needed because some business applications will accept an EDI transaction in its raw format for processing. This means there has to be integration software in the middle that will map the EDI transaction into the format that the business application will accept. The business application will provide the ‘doorway’ to allow a transaction to ‘enter’ Read More →


Data translation and mapping service solution Data translation cost (also translation software) will vary depending on your computing platform. Each company owner should study the company actual EDI situation (including its full absense). This needs to be done to choose the suitable ways of EDI implementation. EDI integration cost depends on many factors. Below you will find some Read More →