PVH Corp. EDI Program

PVH Corp. EDI Program Basics. EDI 852 Product Activity Transaction

PVH Corp. EDI Program encourages the use of EDI transactions. All PVH Corp. retail divisions are now capable of transmitting electronic purchase orders (EDI 850, product activity data (EDI 852) and purchase order change (EDI 860), as well as receiving advance ship notices (EDI 856) and invoices (EDI 810). New vendors wishing to become a trading partner should contact their PVH Corp. buyer to initiate the process. The buyer will send approval for the PVH Corp. EDI Program partnership to the Vendor Relations Department, who will then contact you to schedule testing. PVH Corp. uses X12 EDI Standards (currently version 4050). All new trading partners must transmit in version 4050. Existing trading partners on a lower version will be required to upgrade to version 4050.

The applied transactions are: invoice (EDI 810), purchase order (EDI 850), product activity (EDI 852), advance ship notice (EDI 856) and purchase order change (EDI 860). For the vendors not currently sending PVH Corp. an ASN, PVH Corp. would like to commence an aggressive program to test your ability to successfully transmit the EDI 856 document to each PVH Corp. division that you are currently in business with.

EDI 852 – Product Activity Specification

The sales / inventory data is sent to the vendor each Monday. The data is calculated from Monday to Sunday by the division 12- digit UPC number by store location.

XQ SEGMENT: The XQ02 segment contains the “start reporting date”, which is a Monday and, the XQ03 segment contains the “end reporting date”, which is a Sunday.

LIN SEGMENT: This segment contains the division 12-digit UPC number.

ZA SEGMENT: This segment contains the number of units sold, on hand and returned.

QS – Quantity Sold
QA – Quantity available
QU – Quantity returned

SDQ SEGMENT:This segment lists the store location.

To learn more about EDI and become a certified  EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.

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