Regular EDI Transactions Used in Retail and Supply Chain Industry
Regular EDI Transactions described below are: 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice, 824 Application Advice, 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capabilities, 832 Price / Sales Catalog, 840 request for Quatation.These transactions are widely used in EDI.
820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice. The given transaction set has several ways of usage. It can be used for payment, sending a remittance advice or both making payment and sending a remittance advice. The 820 EDI transaction can be used as an order for financial body to process a payment or can play the role of a remittance advice with the detailed information needed to process payment. This transaction can be sent directly to payee, via financial institution or third-party provider.
824 Application Advice. EDI Application Advice transaction is used for reporting data content editing of transaction sets in the system. The results mentioned in such report can be sent at the functional group level (both in coded or free format). The given transaction serves for accommodation of acceptance, rejection or acceptance reporting for each edited transaction set. 824 Application Advice can not substitute some familiar transaction like Purchase Order Acknowledgment sent in response to a Purchase Order.
830 Planning Schedule with Release Capabilities. Some organizations may use this transaction for exchanging information as for forecasting and planning of materials and goods. This is a common practice for many business partners. There are some ways to use 830 Planning Schedule with Release Capabilities:
- Simple planning
- Complicated planning (the buyer’s authorization for the seller to commit to resources)
- Order release (resource authorizations, period-to-date cumulative quantities, and specific ship/delivery patterns for requirements that have been represented in “buckets,” such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly).
832 Price / Sales Catalog. The 832 Price / Sales Catalog EDI transaction provides information that was requested by some business body (organization, company) as for price of goods or services. The information is provided in the form of a catalog.
840 Request for Quatation. 840 Request for Quatation transaction set provides potential customers with information about the ability to solicit price, delivery schedule and other items regarding goods and services.
We invite you to EDI Academy trainings to learn more about Regular EDI Transactions. The next coming EDI event.