SARS EDI Communication Basic Requirements
SARS is legally mandated to enforce the use of EDI for the submission of certain cargo and goods declarations and reports. EDI, or electronic data interchange, is essentially a “paperless” trading system. It involves the electronic transfer of data, by established message standards, from one computer application to another. Growth in world trade means businesses are increasingly developing better ways of managing the movement of raw materials, stock and finished goods. EDI organises the flow of information from one end of the supply chain to the other.
The benefits of using EDI
- It is a fully automated process that needs little or no intervention by either party
- Declarations can be accepted round-the-clock
- Quicker retrieval of cargo through the reduction of clearance times
- A reduction in manual administrative processes resulting in fewer errors and no duplication
- Harmonised business relationships with other bodies such as Transnet Port Terminals, Transnet Rail Terminals, airlines and container depots.
Any carrier(s) or operator(s) (e.g. depot, container terminal or wharf operator) must for the purpose of submitting, receiving and processing cargo reports on the Manifest Processing (MPR) system [previously named the Manifest Acquittal System (MAS)] register with SARS if he / she:
Transports goods or travellers into or out of South Africa on board a vessel, aircraft, railway carriage or vehicle; or
Loadon board a vessel, aircraft, railway carriage or vehicle any goods that are not in free circulation at any place in South Africa and then transports those goods to another place in South Africa or through South Africa. South African carriers removing goods in bond must first license with Customs in terms of Section 64D (see SC-TR-01-05).
Foreign carriers must appoint a registered agent in South Africa as his / her representative. The foreign carrier must submit a letter of appointment and DA 185 D with his / her application for registration.
To learn more about EDI and become a certified EDI Professional please visit our course schedule page.