Shipping Carton Labeling Guidelines For Wegmans Vendors
Shipping Carton Labeling Requirements cover Direct Import Shipments and Domestic Shipments guidelines depending on a type. Direct Import Shipments are those where Wegmans is the Importer of Record. Domestic Shipments are those where vendor is the Importer of Record or goods are manufactured within the United States.
Shipping Carton Marking Requirements for Direct Import Shipments:
- Information must be in bold, black print, in a font similar to Arial, 1″ high.
- Space required is approximately 10″ high by 14″ wide.
- Font size can be reduced as needed based on carton size.
- If carton has a label, carton marking print should be on back side or side of carton.
- Proof of Carton Markings should be approved before production and shipment is complete
- Outline of Information should be as follows:
- PO Number (Wegmans Master Purchase Order Number)
- Item Number (Wegmans Item Number)
- Item Description (Wegmans Item Description)
- Manufacturer Number (Manufacturer’s style number)
- UPC Number (Product Retail UPC)
- Season (A code supplied by Wegmans with Purchase Order)
- Theme (A word supplied by Wegmans with Purchase Order- omit if blank)
- Shipping Case Pack (Total Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Shipping Carton)
- Inner Carton Pack (Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Inner Carton)
- Made in (Country of Origin)
- Outline of Information on Inner Pack should be as follows:
- Item Number (Wegmans Item Number)
- Item Description (Wegmans Item Description)
- Inner Carton Pack (Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Inner Carton)
Shipping Carton Labeling Requirements for Domestic Shipments:
- Standard UCC 128 labels should be added to all shipping cartons with required information
- If supplier is not UCC 128 capable, shipping label should added with same required information and format, with exclusion of barcode
- If carton already has a label, Wegmans shipping label should be on back side or side of carton.
- UCC 128 Labels should not cover photos, UPCs or other Descriptors already printed on the carton
- If Item is a Mod, Pallet Display, or Shipper; carton label should be on outside of that Mod, Pallet or Shipper and total shipping units should be inclusive of total retail units enclosed.
- If Item has a shippable inner pack, labels should be added to inner packs with required information
- Outline of Information on Shipping Case should be as follows:
- Wegmans Warehouse # and Address
- PO Number (Wegmans Purchase Order Number)
- Item Number (Wegmans Item Number)
- Item Description (Wegmans Item Description)
- Shipping Case Pack (Total Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Shipping Carton)
- Inner Carton Pack (Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Inner Carton)
- Outline of Information on Inner Pack should be as follows:
- Item Number (Wegmans Item Number)
- Item Description (Wegmans Item Description)
- Inner Carton Pack (Number of Wegmans Retail Units in Inner Carton).