Pharmaceutical EDI Data Integration

Pharmaceutical EDI Data Integration capabilities at McKesson Pharmaceutical EDI Data integration enables configurable pharmaceutical product and data sharing between pharmacy management systems, provider information systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. McKesson provides data interface solutions for pharmacy customers who are unable to support direct, automated electronic data interchange (EDI) through McKesson Data Exchange module. Solutions allow Read More →

Claims Testing

Claims Testing With UHA Trading Partners Claims testing is a necessary period after an agreement has been reached between the provider and UHA with regard to the submission of claims via EDI. The purpose of the testing is to ensure that the data being generated by the provider’s data processing system meets the technical requirements as specified in Read More →

Claims Processing

Claims Processing Cycle (UHA Providers) Claims Processing Cycle via EDI provides a quicker turnaround time on provider claims since it will eliminate the need for UHA to manually process the majority of the claims. However, the length of time required to process a claim depends on many variables in addition to the medium on which they are Read More →

Provider Claim Guidelines

Provider Claim Guidelines For UHA Trading Partner As of October 1, 2015, all HIPAA-covered entities are required to use ICD-10 codes for services on or after that date. UHA is committed to the timely and accurate processing of your claims, and encourage claim submission through electronic data interchange (EDI). There are three ways to submit medical Read More →