UHA Claim Submission

UHA Claim Submission (Trading Partner Guidelines) UHA Claim Submission specific instructions are required for electronic transfer of the claims data via Electronic Data Interchange processing systems. 997 Functional Acknowledgement UHA is required to create a 997 Functional Acknowledgement to report the results of the standard X12 syntax editing. The 997 will normally be available by the next business Read More →

UHA Claim Submission

UHA Claim Submission Requirements For Trading Partners UHA Claim Submission must be processed using the codes required in the National Implementation Guides and the HIPAA rules. Each transmission to UHA should have a unique Interchange Control Number (ISA13). UHA will use this number to determine if it is a duplicate file. b. Submitters are required to submit Read More →

Claims Testing

Claims Testing With UHA Trading Partners Claims testing is a necessary period after an agreement has been reached between the provider and UHA with regard to the submission of claims via EDI. The purpose of the testing is to ensure that the data being generated by the provider’s data processing system meets the technical requirements as specified in Read More →

Claims Processing

Claims Processing Cycle (UHA Providers) Claims Processing Cycle via EDI provides a quicker turnaround time on provider claims since it will eliminate the need for UHA to manually process the majority of the claims. However, the length of time required to process a claim depends on many variables in addition to the medium on which they are Read More →