837 Healthcare Claim

837 Healthcare Claim Implementation Guides 837 healthcare claim can be compared to an invoice in the merchandising world. However, it is much more complicated than that and some consider it to be the most complicated EDI transaction set. The purpose of this transaction is to submit healthcare billing information from providers of healthcare services to payers, either directly or Read More →

837 Health Care Claim

837 Health Care Claim Technical Procedures And Infrastructure (IEHP Provider Network) 837 Health Care Claim: Professional Transaction must be transmitted by business partners to IEHP by connecting to the IEHP Network. They go from the Internet through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel to the IEHP Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Server. In standard software-to-hardware VPN connections, VPN client Read More →


EDI 837 Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative Highlights EDI 837 Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative transaction requires efficient and accurate electronic transaction processing. To promote this EDI partners should note: Each user is assigned a 6-digit EDI Direct Trading Partner ID. Logon User Name is 8 characters. Logon User ID (password) is 9 characters. All dates are in the CCYYMMDD format. Read More →

837 Institutional Healthcare Claim

837 Institutional Healthcare Claim Testing: Set-up, Directory and File Naming 837 Institutional Healthcare Claim Testing should be followed by requesting information on establishing connections through the SFTP server. Upon completion of 837 Institutional Healthcare Claim set-up, providers will receive additional instructions on SFTP usage. SFTP Directory Naming Convention There would be two categories of folders under Trading Read More →