Electronic 850 Purchase Order (ASC X12 standard) Within the retail industry, two distinct methods for ordering goods have been identified. The first type, or “basic”, is the most common, and is used to order goods separately for each location, i.e., one store ordering per PO. The second type, or “spreadsheet”, is utilized to order the … Read More →
Receiving EDI Purchase Orders After both supplier and have completed system set up of EDI, the Wakefern EDI Coordinator will generate a test purchase order. The test is used to validate communications and translation. Unless directed otherwise by the supplier, Wakefern will send all purchase orders directly to the vendor. It is the responsibility of the … Read More →
EDI Consignment Orders (Purchase Order (850)) The Purchase Order (850) not only accommodates standalone, and blanket order business scenarios, the Purchase Order (850) also accommodates consignment order business scenarios. Consignment order business scenarios have a lot in common with stand-alone Purchase order in that the use or inclusion of GTIN and GLN can be accommodated … Read More →
Grocery EDI Business Transactions Grocery EDI Business documents like orders and invoices are faster and more accurate than e-mails containing the same information. That is why most big retailers require their suppliers to become EDI compliant and implement EDI business solutions. EDI 875 Grocery Products Purchase Order Grocers regulary send to their suppliers either 850 or … Read More →