
Hudson’s Bay 856 ASN Guidelines For Vendors Hudson’s Bay 856 ASN transaction is an obligatory transaction applied to trading relathionships between Hudson’s Bay and its vendors. Before starting Hudson’s Bay 856 ASN EDI exchange the partners have to carefully study all the usage requirements of the Hudson’s Bay 856 ASN EDI document. The third portion of the FAQs Read More →

EDI 856 Delhaize America

EDI 856 Delhaize America (DSD Pre-Delivery Ship Notice/Manifest) EDI 856 Delhaize America is accepted from the vendor and used as a scheduled delivery ticket. This process will expedite the check-in procedure at the stores. EDI 856 Delhaize America must be received at Delhaize America company Headquarters through EDI no later than 2:00AM ET the day Read More →

Reverse EDI 856

Reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Mapping Notes For (Macy’s EDI Program) Reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest for Macy’s vendors represented below shows the PICK and PACK STRUCTURE. This structure of the Macy’s reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest means Shipment/Order/Pack/Item. The following information is an outline of what will be sent in the Macy’s reverse Read More →


856 ASN Standard Carton Pack Structure: Shipment/Order/Item/Pack 856 ASN mapping notes outline of what is required when receiving VICS 856 ASN from a Macy’s vendor. Many Macy’s / Bloomingdale’s divisions use more than one distribution facility; therefore you must generate and transmit a separate EDI 856 ASN for each facility/shipment. ‘Ship To’ information may be obtained Read More →