EDIFACT CUSRES Message Used In Conjunction With CUSDEC (SARS Imports/Exports) Once the CUSDEC message has passed translation successfully, it is mapped to the internal file format and passed on to the import / export system. There are various instances where a CUSRES (Customs Response) message could be created. These are: A CUSRES is generated denoting Read More →


SARS EDI CUSDEC (Customs Declaration) Message SARS EDI CUSDEC message must be received by customs for each declaration. This information will be received centrally at the SARS EDI facility at HeadOffice. Once received, the data is automatically translated to ensure the information received conforms to the UN/EDIFACT syntax rules. Once this is established, a CONTRL (Syntax and Read More →

EDI Communications

EDI Communications With SARS The basic functionality of EDI enabling software, usually known as the EDI translator/converter, is that of translation of incoming messages from a message standard such as UN/EDIFACT to a company’s internal in-house file format and vice-versa for outgoing messages. However, in addition to the translator functionality, off-the-shelf EDI software packages will Read More →

EDI Customs

EDI Customs Basics (SARS) Every day, businesses generate and process a staggering volume of paper documents. The paper documents, ranging from purchase orders and invoices to Customs Declarations and Customs Cargo Reports provide the vital information flow which must precede, accompany or follow the physical goods in a commercial transaction. Any interruption in the physical Read More →