EDI Routing Requirements (Transportation Guidelines by DSW) EDI Routing Requirements relesed by DSW Transportation department will route all shipments when DSW is the responsible party for payment of freight charges. The vendor’s copy of DSW EDI purchase order should reflect the correct commercial and freight related terms for the merchandise. If there are any discrepancies in freight terms or EDI Read More →

DSW EDI Drop Ship

DSW EDI Drop Ship Vendor Terms and Requirements DSW EDI Drop Ship basic vendor requirements are given in today’s blog for better understanding of DSW vendor program. DSW EDI Drop Ship program utilizes a third party interface (VendorNet) for fulfilling orders. This interface is used to view orders, generate the packing slip and confirm shipment on Read More →


DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest (Pick and Pack) Mapping Notes DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest mapping notes described below regard the usage of the Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The DSW 856 Ship Notice/Manifest transaction set can be used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as Read More →

dsw edi

DSW 856 ASN Memo and Notes DSW has been frequently running into an issue with incorrect ship to IDs being sent in the N104 element of DSW 856 ASN (Advanced Ship Notice) transaction sent to DSW. This is causing the processing of the DSW 856 ASN to fail. DSW have been manually correcting the ship to Read More →