REQDOC EDIFACT Message (Request For Document) REQDOC EDIFACT Message is used to request the last successful CUSRES of an entry. The LRN and or MRN must be provided in the REQDOC. A CUSRES will be sent to verify if the request can be fulfilled or not followed by the CUSRES in question if available. Note Read More →

EDI Case Study

EDI Case Study: increasing accuracy and making labor reductions using EDI and GS1 standards EDI Case Study shows how keeping a vast logistics network on the same page takes seamless coordination and timely, accurate information. With GS1 standards and EDI implementation Land O’Lakes, Inc. reached higher efficiency in warehousing. Challenge A global agricultural co-operative, Land O’Lakes, Read More →


GESMES EDIFACT Document (Generic Statical Message) GESMES EDIFACT message helps to download exchange rate onto the EDI gateway where it is constructed into the UN/EDIFACT standard and transmitted to agents. Exchange Rates are received daily from the SARB (Reserve Bank of South Africa) which are then uploaded into the relevant SARS system. These rates used to Read More →

EDI logistics training

EDI CUSRES Message Used In Conjunction With SANCRT (SARS EDI Guides) The Issuing Authority will submit permits electronically to SARS as soon as they have been issued. The Issuing Authority will receive a confirmation from SARS on every permit that is sent as soon as it has been validated. This could take the form of Read More →