EDI Security Protocols

EDI Security Protocols (WPS Health Solutions EDI Communication) EDI Security Protocols policy strictly prohibits any trading partner from outsourcing system functions to any resource located outside of the United States or its territories. Prohibited outsourced functions include but are not limited to the transmission of electronic claims, receipt of remittance advice, or any system access Read More →

Slow Internet

EDI Communication Protocols (WPS Health Solutions) EDI Communication Protocols recommended for WPS Health Solutions EDI exchange are listed and described in today’s blog post. The implementation of WPS Community Manager provides new options for EDI Communication Protocols. WPS Gateway Express provides a secure web-based access for Trading Partners, so that the external users associated with these Read More →


Communication protocol definition and basic description Communication protocol is a formal description and a set of rules for digital data messaging format. Communication protocol agreement is a basic demand for exchanging data between computers (or other digital devices) and telecom systems. The protocol may determine the data compression method, authentication type, error checking and correction, Read More →