EDI training

Add On Technologies in Electronic Data Interchange Process Add On Technologies for EDI will be interesting for manufacturers or distributors involved in the supply chain. The most complicated EDI transaction used in the supply chain is the 856—Advanced Ship Notice (ASN). Companies use the ASN to manage just-in-time deliveries from their suppliers. An ASN is sent by Read More →

EDI Cost Analysis

EDI Cost Analysis: VAN Set-Up And Minimum Charges EDI Cost Analysis regarding VAN services is complicated and difficult to understand at first. The costs depend mainly on the volume of traffic. Some of these charges depend on the terms negotiated with the VAN. Once upon an EDI time, most companies used a VAN, and there were relatively few VANs. This Read More →

EDI Considerations: Breaking Myths Regarding EDI Implementation EDI considerations often include those that make many people be confused about EDI implementation. In our blog we are trying to give you as much information about EDI as possible. After reading our posts many EDI considerations become clear to people who are going to work with EDI. Read More →


EDI Planning: Sponsoring and Analyzing Business Needs EDI planning is a major step in EDI Implementation project. The objectives of EDI are to satisfy business needs, for example, improve procurement processes, increase supply chain efficiency, and reduce float time in financial or medical claims transactions. The problem with EDI being an IT project is that Read More →