CMI – Customer Managed Inventory (Consignment Warehouse) At Continental CMI is a consignment process in which Continental as the Customer to Supplier manages the material planning in terms of restocking and the Supplier resupplies the Contract Products as indicated in a Delivery Schedule to a location close to or at Continental premises. As a part of the consignment Read More →

Continental WEB EDI

Continental WEB EDI via SupplyOn Continental WEB EDI via SupplyOn is accepted as alternative process if the Supplier, for various reasons (i.e. in case the necessary technical infrastructure is not available), is not able to implement EDI. Usually Suppliers who do not have an EDI interface use SupplyOn WEB EDI. The difference between EDI and WEB EDI is simply Read More →


EDI DELFORP (Delivery Forecast Planned Delivery) Continental Transaction EDI DELFORP message informs Continental about planned deliveries well in advance. Planned deliveries is designated as ‘planned receipts’ in the following blog post. This message type is required for the Supply Chain Monitor (SC Monitor). The SC Monitor is a web-based monitoring system of the current supply situation. There are three Read More →


E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) Definition And Classification E-Commerce is a business-to-business (B2B) initiative aimed at communicating business transaction documents on a real-time or near real-time basis between known trading partners, such as suppliers, customers and, increasingly, between a supplier’s supplier or a customer’s customer. This is the movement from simple B2B to electronic business-to-business (EB2B). Electronic Commerce as Read More →