EDI Inventory Management

EDI Inventory Management For Multichannel Warehousing EDI Inventory Management applications allow to exchange documents in real time and automate processes such as invoicing, order supply form submission, stocks, sales, ledgers, and more. EDI Inventory Management solution can automatically pick the documents up from email or server and send them to an EDI business partner. Company can automate manual Read More →

ANSI encoding

ANSI Format: a “doubled” modification of former ASCII ANSI Format was developed by The American National Standards Institute and presents itself as a Microsoft-related standard for character set encoding. Also ANSI Format serves as a modified ASCII (the American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set. If we compare the ASCII code and the ANSI Read More →

EDI Purchase Order Number

EDI Purchase Order Number (Reference Number for Union Pacific) EDI Purchase Order Number is the key reference number for Union Pacific. It ties together all EDI communications about a purchase, including payment. It is the Supply Department’s responsibility to furnish the supplier with a purchase order number for EDI all purchases. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to use that number in Read More →

EDI Integration

EDI Integration: Software Upgrades, Proprietary Data And Legal Concerns EDI Integration requires regular updates. The Rail Industry Guidelines are updated each year upon publication of the ASC X12 version/release. Trading partners within the rail industry are expected to upgrade to one of the two most current version/releases on a schedule agreed to by the railroads. In most Read More →