835 billing

835 billing scenarios examples 835 billing scenarios  describe what meaning and purpose can 835 transaction bring to the receiver. The 835 (similar to the 820) can be transmitted from the payer just as a remittance advice (and EOB explanation of benefits) letting the provider know what is being paid. It can also be transmitted as an Read More →

Mobile EDI

Mobile EDI – an efficient supply chain approach Mobile EDI solutions appeared as a comfortable instrument for using electronic data interchange in full power. Unfortunately, mobile EDI applications were not prior when developers were thinking about successful EDI implementation. However, as EDI grows and develops, the need for comfortable control instruments becomes urgent. Earlier it Read More →


EDI via SFTP and FTPS basis and advantages Previously we have already mentioned the related to SFTP and FTPS main EDI transport protocols. EDI via SFTP and FTPS belong to the most commonly used communication protocols for electronic data interchange. EDI via SFTP and FTPS allow to connect business partners directly as well as via Read More →

TR3 Healthcare

TR3 Healthcare Implementation Guides (TR3 – Technical Report Type 3) TR3 Healthcare means Technical Report Type 3 used in health care electronic data interchange. The ANSI X12 Accredited standards committee has a subcommittee X12N. This commettee is responsible for developing EDI standards for the Health Care Industry. The Health care industry standards are published as Read More →