Asynchronous transmission

Asynchronous transmission method definition Asynchronous transmission is the way of transmission when the data or signals are being transmitted and received not synchronously. Asynchronous transmission uses start and stop bits to signify the beginning and ending bits. The method of transmission is deployed when data is sent as packets and not in a solid stream. Read More →

Response Files

Response Files Operational Procedures Response Files like 999 Functional Acknowledgement file will be generated within one business day. To verify if the file was accepted or rejected at this level, look for the IK5 and AK9 segments. If these two segments are followed by an ‘A’ the file was accepted. If these two segments are followed by an Read More →


An EDI Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is the beginning of the trifecta of holidays for our family – Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. While it is always nice to get out of the regular routine and spend time with family and friends, there are always stresses. For me, it is the unpredictability of the day. I am Read More →

EDI Purchase Order Number

EDI Purchase Order Number (Reference Number for Union Pacific) EDI Purchase Order Number is the key reference number for Union Pacific. It ties together all EDI communications about a purchase, including payment. It is the Supply Department’s responsibility to furnish the supplier with a purchase order number for EDI all purchases. It is the Supplier’s responsibility to use that number in Read More →