
The Home Depot EDI inbound documents vendor requirements The Home Depot EDI program supposes a successful validation test per document (as part of the “Domestic Merchandise Suppliers – EDI Program”) with The Home Depot using Commerce Desk. The Home Depot EDI testing requirements are listed below: Start testing as soon as possible, as it may take you Read More →

EDI Training – your effective way of becoming an EDI professional EDI training is not as widely available as it should be. Most companies that implement EDI use staff who are self-taught, or who attend their software vendor’s training sessions. This may seem sufficient for day-to-day EDI operations but in truth it is not adequate. Personnel that Read More →

edi method

EDI Importance and usage in electronic business processing EDI importance in modern business processes can not be described in couple of words. As EDI is constantly developinbg, its role is growing as well. Just like the standards within the phone industry that enable separate parties to easily communicate with one other, data may also be exchanged between Read More →