EDI ASN Packing And Labeling Requirements and Examples EDI ASN Packing Slip must be prepared by purchase order for each store and must be emailed or faxed in advance to the appropriate office. Insert EDI ASN Packing Slip into a removable pouch and securely attach it to one carton per purchase order for each store. … Read More →
GS1-128 Label Saks Fifth Avenue (SHIPPING CONTAINER LABEL) GS1-128 Label Saks Fifth Avenue is required to maximize the ASN opportunity. GS1-128 Label Saks Fifth Avenue is required on all EDI shipments. The purpose of the GS1-128 is to connect the physical units of a vendor’s shipment with its electronic information. Saks does this by scanning the … Read More →
Saks EDI ASN Shipments Requirements Saks EDI ASN Shipments help decrease human error and processing time. An Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) is an electronic packing slip that allows to upload receipt information directly into the system and eliminate data entry. Most importantly, EDI sets the stage that allows merchandise to be cross-docked through Saks distribution centers to the selling … Read More →