HIPAA 5010 implementation

HIPAA 5010 Implementation Basis For Cigna Partners HIPAA 5010 implementation rules were published by the Department of Health and Human Services in January 2009. HIPAA 5010 implementation rules contain the requirements for the health care industry to upgrade electronic data interchange transactions to HIPAA version 5010. New HIPAA 5010 implementation rules apply across the health care industry to health plans, physicians, hospitals, Read More →

EDI disadvantages

EDI Disadvantages: Breaking Myths As For Integration Expense And Network Complexity EDI disadvantages are a commonly discussed topic in many industrial circles. Although, the benefits of EDI are compelling, there are still many business-owners who hesitate to integrate EDI in their corporate systems. They concentrate more on EDI disadvantages and less on the pluses that Read More →

EDI training

EDI Training Courses 2017 Information And Schedule EDI Training courses conducted by San-Diego training company EDI Academy become more and more popular among industry specialists in the USA and Canada. In 2016 we have hosted 12 educational events (24 classes) and helped many people to master EDI operations. The result of EDI training courses conducted Read More →