Noridian EDI Claims Submission

Noridian EDI Claims Submission General Information Noridian EDI Claims Submission is the best way to reach effectiveness for thousands of submitters across multiple lines of business. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) provides the ability to quickly and efficiently exchange healthcare information (including Noridian EDI Claims Submission processing) in a safe, secure and cost effective way. Submitters wishing Read More →

icd-10 coding

ICD-10 Coding – AHA Central Office Policy ICD-10 Coding (International Classification of Diseases) is the standard known as the 10th edition using Clinical Modifications (CM) and the Procedure Coding System (PCS). The final rule adopts ICD-10-CM for reporting patient diagnoses and ICD-10-PCS for reporting hospital inpatient procedures – both replaced ICD-9-CM. The use of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Read More →

Ticketing Requirements

Ticketing Requirements For Hibbett EDI Vendors Ticketing Requirements: All merchandise shipped to Hibbett must include the UPC and Hibbett retail provided by EDI PO (850) transmission. The barcode must be visible and easily accessible for scanning. Do not place UPC tickets inside waistbands, packaging etc. Use only the UPC. Each item must contain only one bar code; Read More →

Hibbett EDI Merchandise

Hibbett EDI Merchandise Technology Guidelines And Common Requirements Hibbett EDI Merchandise guides described cover UPC assignment and catalog requirements. Assign UPC numbers at the product ID / color / size level for all Hibbett product. Once UPCs have been assigned, no modifications will be accepted. Any item modifications will result in the need for a Read More →