EDI data integration

EDI Data Integration Methods And Guides EDI data integration is an essential part of any successful Electronic Data Interchange business implementation. EDI data integration is needed because most business applications will accept an EDI transaction in its raw format for processing. This means there has to be integration software in the middle that will map the EDI transaction into the Read More →

Cardinal Health 810 Invoicing

Cardinal Health 810 Invoicing – Advantage Of the Speed, Accuracy And Cost Savings Of Electronic Transactions Cardinal Health 810 Invoicing is useful and benefitial for all Cardinal Health partners. Both parties can benefit from streamlined and more efficient payment processes. EDI 810 transaction is the industry standard for the safe, secure transmission of invoice data into Read More →

Reverse EDI 856

Reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Mapping Notes For (Macy’s EDI Program) Reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest for Macy’s vendors represented below shows the PICK and PACK STRUCTURE. This structure of the Macy’s reverse EDI 856 Outbound Ship Notice/Manifest means Shipment/Order/Pack/Item. The following information is an outline of what will be sent in the Macy’s reverse Read More →