EDI Packing Merchandise

EDI Packing Merchandise Guidelines – The North West Company Vendors EDI Packing Merchandise requirements state that each purchase order must be processed, packed and assembled as a unique unit, but may be shipped with other purchase orders on the same bill of lading. All NWC purchase order numbers must appear on the bill of lading. Purchase orders Read More →

EDI Packing

EDI Packing And UPC Requirements For Nordstrom EDI Vendors EDI Packing and UPC guides cover requirements set to all merchandise sent to Nordstrom from its vendors. Merchandise must be packaged according to these guidelines. Any EDI Packing and UPC variances will cause delays and may result in expense off set fees. Packing slips should not be used for EDI shipments Read More →

SShopko EDI Requirements

Shopko EDI Requirements And Vendor Guidelines For Packing Merchandise Shopko EDI Requirements given below refer to all new and existing vendors doing merchandise with Shopko. The listed Shopko EDI Requirements describe general instructions for carton dimensions and packing. Shopko EDI Requirements for Packing The three types of packing or ordering used by Shopko: Plan 1 merchandise (direct Read More →


DSW EDI Carton Packing General Instructions DSW EDI Carton Packing instructions need to be accepted by a vendor. Any DSW EDI Carton Packing exceptions initiated by a vendor must be pre-approved by the vendor relations. General DSW EDI Carton Packing guidelines are given below. Vendors cannot mix POs, styles, or colors within cartons. Cartons need to Read More →