EDI planning

EDI contingency planning process guides An organization must plan for any disaster that would adversely affect the organization’s EDI systems. Hardware, software, and information (data) must be considered in the contingency planning process. Hardware Contingency Planning Management should take steps to ensure that any hardware failure will not adversely affect the organization’s EDI processing, for any extended period. Backup Read More →

EDI Policies

The development of EDI Policies and Procedures EDI Policies and Procedures creation may be an important first step for EDI project teams or the team’s management, whether that management is an individual or an EDI Steering Committee. Some examples of potential subject areas for EDI Policies and Procedures are given below. Value-Added Network Cost Sharing In optimal situations, determination Read More →

EDI implementation

Considering EDI implementation with trading partners An initial step many organizations take when considering EDI implementations is to conduct a survey of buyers or suppliers to determine the EDI capabilities and plans of the EDI target base. After the results of the surveys are compiled, some form of analysis is performed to determine which of the EDI-ready target Read More →

EDI implementation

VICS EDI Detailed implementation requirements Implementation requirements will vary from one company to another. However, based on the experience of many companies, there are a number of design and implementation elements that are essential to achieving a successful VICS EDI implementation. Business objectives and design Since VICS EDI is primarily a business strategy rather than a computer system, Read More →