
EANCOM Messages basic information and examples EANCOM messages standard combines comprehensive and logic messaging scenarios. Commercial organizations choose messages and scenarios depending on their personal industrial needs. EANCOM messages (Master Data) This type contains rarely changing data (goods characteristics, companies’ names and requisites, surnames and positions of the responsible personnel etc.): Message “Information about participant” Read More →

edi standards

EANCOM standard history, developement and up-to-date position EANCOM Standard was a project of the General EAN Assembly. Association EAN International and its members have been involved in EDI process since 1972.  Taking into account quick development of communications and technologies in EDI industry, The General EAN Assembly decided to release a special project for global Read More →


AS2 EDI messaging protocol basics AS2 EDI (Applicability Statement 2) is a specification for Electronic Data Interchange between businesses using the Internet’s Web page protocol, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The specification is an extension of the earlier version, Applicability Statement 1 (AS1). Both specifications were created by EDI over the Internet (EDIINT), a working group Read More →

EDI Web-Service as a potential method of e-commerce communications EDI Web-Service is a program system that is identified by URL line. Its commonly used interfaces are defined by XML language. On the basis of EDI Web-Service different systems and applications that intercommunicate with web services via Internet-protocols can be created. Using EDI Web-Service allows system components to intercommunicate Read More →