grocery EDI transactions

Grocery EDI Transactions: Industry Specifics For Electronic Documents The difference between grocery EDI transactions and all-industry EDI transactions appeared due to development of electronic data interchange standards. EDI standardization became more sophisticated and therefore grocery industry required some peculiarities to be added to the electronic data interchange standards. This influenced the appearance of 875, 876 and Read More →


Logistics EDI Transactions: Documents That Speed-Up Your Business Flow Logistics EDI Transactions described below represent the mostly used electronic data interchange documents in logistics and transaportation industry. The listed logistics EDI transactions make it easier to control merchandise delivery and supply process in general as well as to plan effectively and to build-up succesfull business Read More →

EDI Transactions for Retail

EDI Transactions For Retail Industry EDI Transactions for Retail branch described today continue the sequence of EDI Academy blog posts devoted to typical electronic data interchange transactions for different industries. This time we continue to talk about the most used EDI Transactions for Retail. 841 Specifications/Technical Infromation. Trading partners use this transaction set for transmitting or Read More →

Common EDI transactions

Common EDI transactions 180, 810, 811, 812, 816 Common EDI transactions presented in today’s post are electronic transaction sets widely used in merchandise systems and warehousing. It is obvious that during the time our blog exhists we have already mentioned some of the given transactions in many of our earlier posts. If you want to find Read More →