HIPAA EDI training

HIPAA EDI Support Service Operation Process Common Description HIPAA EDI Support Service serves for parties involved in EDI documents exchange process to make the operation easy and effective. Before any operation providers should obtain an account at the chosen service and make the enrollment. Usually creating a profile in EDI support service the party is Read More →

Identifying GTIN

Identifying GTIN In Outbound EDI 5010 maps Identifying GTIN in Kroger EDI outbound 5010 maps (for transactions 810, 812, 830, 832, 850, 867, 875, 880) vendors have the possibility of case items being sent as UPCs (UA qualifier) or GTINs (UK qualifier). The MFG id (which is made up of the package level indicator, the Read More →

Logistics EDI Applications

Logistics EDI Applications Implementation Steps Logistics EDI Applications help a lot many warehousing/logistics providers involved in the implementation of EDI. As the public warehouse business becomes more competitive, many warehouses are trying to expand their traditional “product processing” business into the “information processing” business. The warehouses are looking for the new electronic data interchange trends. Logistics EDI Applications serve to Read More →