
VDA 4913 EDI Transaction: Delivery Note And Transport Data (Daimler AG) VDA 4913 EDI Transaction is the core message for material-accompanying information supported by Daimler AG since 1984. It is company assumption that all incoming goods shipments will be notified in advance with a delivery note EDI (VDA 4913 EDI Transaction). VDA 4913 EDI Transaction are Read More →

VDA 4905 EDI

VDA 4905 EDI (Daimler AG Trading Partner Recommendations) VDA 4905 EDI is to be provided for receiving call-offs in ODETTE format (Organisation for Data Exchange by Teletransmission in Europe -> European automotive associations grouping) in view of the increased emphasis on international supplier relationships and the increasing implementation of EDI messages. VDA 4905 EDI is used for Read More →

EDI VDA 4905 Message

EDI VDA 4905 Message (Daimler Procurement Process) EDI VDA 4905 Message is recommended by the VDA for call-offs for productive material in supply chain operations. EDI VDA 4905 Message comprises the following records: 511 – Call-off data header record (1x per EDI run) 512 – One-off data elements for call-off (1x per sort criterion) 513 – Demarcation and call-off data Read More →

EDI Call-Off Messages

EDI Call-Off Messages In EDI Transmission Basis EDI Call-Off Messages transmission is the part of the process chain starting from the customer request and proceeding through the issuing of purchase order or call-off data to goods receipt of the ordered material. The demand data is sourced from different upstream systems, so the delivery intervals vary, and Read More →