GS1 EDI Implementation Process Basics GS1 EDI standards cover many supply chain business processes from ordering up to supplying. For each of these processes, different set of messages are needed. Before a company starts any GS1 EDI implementation, the management need to answer the following questions: Which business processes will be supported by GS1 electronic data interchange? What data Read More →

Warehouse EDI

Warehouse EDI Tendencies: Order Processing, Logistics And Transportation Warehouse EDI systems are constantly developing as the public warehouse business becomes more competitive. Many warehouses are trying to shift their business to electronic technologies including warehouse EDI systems. One of the things this tendency will influence a lot is quicker order processing. The newest trend is Read More →


COREOR EDIFACT:  COntainer RElease Order Message COREOR EDIFACT is an EDI transaction that is used in UN/EDIFACT standard, usually by the shipping company or his ship’s agent, to allow the terminal operators that the discharged (full) container can be released and that it can be collected subject to providing a password (referred to as “PIN code” in the Read More →


COPINO EDIFACT Message Definition And Purpose COPINO EDIFACT is a message by which an inland carrier notifies of the delivery or pick-up of containers. COPINO EDIFACT Message is part of a total set of container-related messages. These messages serve to facilitate the intermodal handling of containers by streamlining the information exchange. The business scenario for the Read More →