Customized EDI Trainings

Customized EDI Trainings For Your Company Staff Customized EDI Trainings can be developed by experienced EDI Academy instructors for individual companies and groups. We are ready to prepare a customized course aimed at your goals and including your practical suggestions for effective implementation. The EDI Academy provides customized EDI trainings onsite.  The classes are designed to give a Read More →


EDIFACT AND TRADACOMS EDI Fundamentals & Best Practices EDIFACT AND TRADACOMS EDI trainings are designed for European EDI users and take place at EDI Academy London, UK training facility. EDIFACT AND TRADACOMS EDI seminars consist of four sessions covering basic and fundamental knowledge as well as deeper EDI practice with real-world examples. The content of the Read More →

824 Application Advice

824 Application Advice Transaction Definition 824 Application Advice transaction set can be used to provide the ability to report the results of an application system’s data content edits of transaction sets. The results of editing transaction sets can be reported at the functional group and transaction set level, in either coded or free-form format. 824 Read More →


B2B (Business-to-Business) Relationships Model B2B model means a type of business relationships where two companies sell products or services to each other. This model does not refer to companies and end consumers’ relationships (business-to-consumer or consumer-to-business models). B2B may be treated as s supportive enterprise relationships between two businesses to reach the goal, e.g. between Read More →