HIPAA EDI 837 Transaction

HIPAA EDI 837 Transaction Terminology HIPAA EDI 837 Transaction  is a key component in electronic health care documents transmission. This process improves efficiency in health care by establishing and constantly improving national standards for clearing houses, providers and health insurance plans. HIPAA EDI 837 Transaction  is one of the most used EDI transactions. If you somehow deal with EDI in health care Read More →

edi outsourcing method

EDI Outsourcing methods – features, advantages and benefits EDI Outsourcing methods  have their own features, advantages and benefits. The first two methods of EDI Outsourcing, Service Bureau and Web/Desktop Access, assume you are new to EDI, or you have an in-house EDI system that you no longer wish to keep. The third method, Remote Administration, assumes you have an in-house Read More →

EDI 837

EDI 837 transaction structure – Transaction Set Header (ST) and Transaction Set Trailer (SE) EDI 837  Health Care Claim general envelope structure was described earlier in the blog. Below  find the description of two structural parts of an EDI 837 Health Care Claim element. Transaction Set Header (ST) This is the third segment of all EDI transactions including EDI 837. Read More →