EDI Testing

 EDI Testing Requirements (Trading Partners) EDI Testing – WPS Health Solutions follows CMS testing requirements. Main requirements are the following: 25 claim minimum ISA14 Strongly encourage to use a 1 or a TA1 will not generate ISA15 must = T for testing 100% Syntax 95% Medicare business rules Submitter is considered in test until approved Read More →

EDI Academy

EDI Academy 2017 Results and 2018 Plans EDI Academy is one of the leading USA companies providing Electronic Data Interchange education in the USA and Canada. The previous year has proved this again – it was quite successful for our team. 24 regular trainings where conducted and our students learned basics of EDI, its role Read More →


EDI Set-Up WPS Trading Partners (Using Third-Party Service) EDI Set-Up WPS Trading Partners requires Internet Aaccess for EDI Set-Up and electronic claims submission. If providers elect to submit/receive transactions electronically using a third party such as a billing agent, a clearinghouse or network services vendor, they are required to have an agreement signed by that Read More →

EDI Set-Up

EDI Set-Up For WPS Trading Partners EDI Set-Up for new direct submitters that will submit EDI claims directly to WPS state that they will need to complete a self-registration process on the WPS Community Manager System to prepare for 5010 testing and production claim submission. Internet Access is required for EDI Set-Up and electronic claims submission. As Read More →