EDI Standardization

EDI Standardization: A global solution for successful business operations EDI Standardization is what set EDI apart from other electronic methods of transferring data. Before getting into details about administration of EDI standards such as ANSI ASC X12 or UN/EDIFACT, it is important to understand why standards are used. EDI standardization and particularly standards are built on the Read More →

EDI Standards

International EDI Standards: ASC X12 and UN/EDIFACT International EDI Standards were developed during the worldwide spread of EDI transactions. Some EDI transaction sets that are still in use today were created in 1975 when the TDCC (Transportation Data Coordinating Committee) gathered representatives from the transportation industry to create a first set of formal EDI transaction standards. Read More →

EDIFACT Standard

EDIFACT Standard In Electronic Data Interchange EDIFACT Standard is an acronym for EDI For Administration, Commerce and Transport. It coordinates international standardization by working through the UN/ECE (United Nations/Economic Commission for Europe). EDIFACT Standard provides: an international EDI standard a set of syntax rules data elements, segments and codes messages EDIFACT Standard is the product Read More →


UN/EDIFACT Messages Developement in Transport Industry UN/EDIFACT messages appearance initiated the formation of a global UN EDI standards organisation and this development has continued to progress from the inception of the UN/EDIFACT international standard to the present time. UN/EDIFACT messages structure is essential to the use of EDI in the transport sector. It was agreed and Read More →