Packing Label

Packing Label Guides (Nexteer Automotive) Additional label type may be required for Mixed loaded material. These are described below: Mixed Load label format can be used for identification of materials of differing part numbers loaded within the confines of the same container or pallet. These can be of the same or differing quantities. On smaller Read More →

Packaging Guides

Packaging Guides: outer packages and inner packages There are two types of packaging – outer packages and inner packages. Inner packaging will utilize container labels while outer packages will utilize master labels. An outer package is any container that contains multiple packages of single materials. Inner packages are the smallest shippable packaged units of a material. Read More →

EDI shipping

Nexteer Types of Labels and Packaging Nexteer Automotive requires three types of labels depending on how material is packaged for shipment as described below: The Container Label (Global Supplier Label) SHALL be used to identify a single pack containing the same part number. It is the most commonly used shipping/parts identification label. A Master Label Read More →

shipping label

Nexteer Shipping Label: Size and Material A label used to identify the contents of the container. Master Label is a label used to identify and summarize the total contents of a multiple pack of a single part number within the same container (i.e. pallet of boxes of same material number.) Mixed Load Label is a label used Read More →