856 Ship Notice /Manifest PICK and PACK Structure: Shipment/Order/Pack/Item 856 Ship Notice /Manifest mapping notes outline of what is required when receiving VICS 856 Ship Notice from a Macy’s vendor. Many Macy’s / Bloomingdale’s divisions use more than one distribution facility; therefore you must generate and transmit a separate EDI 856 Ship Notice /Manifest for each facility/shipment. … Read More →
Macy’s 856 EDI (Ship Notice/Manifest) – Standard Carton Pack Structure Guides A separate Macy’s 856 EDI (Ship Notice/Manifest) Ship Notice must be generated and transmitted for each Macy’s facility/shipment. ‘Ship To’ information may be obtained from the Macy’s Transportation Routing Guide. Macy’s 856 EDI (Ship Notice/Manifest) must be in Macy’s system before vendor shipment arrives at the distribution facility. The … Read More →
Macy’s 856 Ship Notice/Manifest Useful Mapping Tips and Notes Macy’s 856 Ship Notice/Manifest must be in Macy’s system before vendor shipment arrives at Macy’s distribution facility – this was already discussed in the previous post. An expense offset will be assessed if this requirement is not met. Macy’s requires a consolidated VICS Macy’s 856 Ship Notice/Manifest with carton level information for every … Read More →
Macy’s 856 Ship Notice /Manifest – Shipment/Order/Pack/Item (Pick/Pack Structure) Macy’s 856 Ship Notice /Manifest described in the blog represents Pick/Pack Structure -Shipment/Order/Pack/Item – and is an outline of what is required when receiving VICS 856 Ship Notice from a vendor. Many Macy’s / Bloomingdale’s divisions use more than one distribution facility; therefore you must generate and transmit a separate EDI Macy’s … Read More →