EDI Item Identification

Trade Item Identification Trade Item identification is a key component of almost every VICS EDI transaction set. Within VICS EDI, products are identified using the (UC-12, EANUCC-13 and EAN.UCC-14) Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). The key advantage of using one or more of these trade item identification structures is that they all provide a scannable symbol. Implementing scanning Read More →

EDI Implementation Schedule

Establishing an implementation schedule during EDI partnership After all major decisions have been made in terms of the VICS EDI business design and equipment and software considerations, an implementation schedule can be prepared. Identify the capabilities that need to be developed and list the tasks necessary to accomplish the implementation. Selecting EDI Trading Partners The criteria for determining Read More →

EDI Audit

EDI Audit and control, legal and accounting issues One area where functional management may wish to become significantly involved is with issues revolving around audit and control. Even with high volume EDI transactions, functional management may wish to have: Inquiries showing volumes of transactions sent or received; Inquiries showing invalid transactions that could not be processed by Read More →

Integrating AI into EDI

Integrating AI into EDI systems Integrating AI into EDI systems can lead to more efficient, secure, and accurate data exchanges, ultimately benefiting businesses in their operations and decision-making processes. AI can significantly enhance electronic data interchange (EDI) in several ways: Automated Data Mapping and Transformation: AI can assist in automatically mapping and transforming data formats, Read More →