EDI Setting

EDI Setting Up: Code and Conversions Menu (BaanERP) EDI Setting Up in BaanERP system depends on how a particular company is used – a company needs to set up the purchasing profile, the sales profile or both. See previous post for detailed information. In addition to defining the outgoing conversion of order types for the 850/ORDERS message, you also Read More →

EDI Setting Up

EDI Setting Up: A purchasing company Or A sales company profile (BaanERP) EDI Setting Up in BaanERP system can be done for a purchasing company, a sales company or both. A purchasing company procures materials or services from other companies (both internal and external). A sales company sells goods or services to other companies (internal or external). Depending on how a particular Read More →

EDI Procedure Test

EDI Procedure Test To Productive Use (Daimler AG EDI Processing) EDI Procedure Test must be completed before setting up an EDI connection with any of Daimler AG plants. As soon as vendor has completed the preparations at location for setting up an EDI interface, he should make sure he has completed the below mentioned steps before setting up an EDI connection. Read More →

Invoice VDA 4906

Invoice VDA 4906 Basic Requirements Invoice VDA 4906 usage via EDI has had consistently good results – this is regarded to as a logical enhancement to conventional invoicing methods. The main objectives of the communication of Invoice VDA 4906 data by EDI are as follows: Rapid communication of invoicing data from the supplier to the recipient of the goods or services Read More →