Stein Mart EDI 810 Invoicing

Stein Mart EDI 810 Invoicing Vendor Requirements Stein Mart EDI 810 Invoicing is included in the EDI program that Stein Mart conducts with vendors of all sizes having a variety of EDI technological capabilities. Stein Mart enables its vendors the option of using their own in house EDI systems or partnering with any 3rd party EDI provider of Read More →

EDI High Tech Industry

EDI High Tech Industry Basic Description And Specific Issues EDI High Tech Industry basics and standards were formed many years ago as High Tech chain activity demand exchanging of the business transactions electronically more than any other. EDI High Tech Industry streamlines its consumer driven concepts in order to satisfy customer demands on the highest level. Read More →

EDI Online Webinars

SEF: An open-standard file format SEF (The Standard Exchange Format) is an open-standard file format files ending with the extension .sef that defines the format and implementation guideline for proprietary and standard EDI documents. The Standard Exchange Format is an open-standard, computer readable, text format that contains the implementation guideline of an EDI document. The Read More →


SAP IDoc EDI Business Standartization SAP IDoc (intermediate document) is a standardized document, or data container, that is used to communicate with both SAP and non-SAP systems and exchange information. They resemble EDI documents and are commonly used to electronically transfer information, such as purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices and more. IDocs are based on two EDI standards, Read More →