EDI 810 Electronic Invoice

EDI 810 Electronic Invoice Requirements EDI 810 Electronic Invoice vendor exchange requires testing and certification by Saks SFA EDI Office. Saks requires one EDI 810 Electronic Invoice for each shipment, by PO, Store, and Bill of Lading. Failure to comply may result in payment delays. Ensure invoices are accurate, do not include information on merchandise that is back ordered or Read More →

Saks Fifth Avenue EDI Order

Saks Fifth Avenue EDI Order Fulfillment Details Saks Fifth Avenue EDI Order Fulfillment guidelines refer to quality standards, shippment notifications , delayed shipments, cancelled orders etc. Product must be packaged sufficiently to prevent damage during shipping. All products must have a unique UPC which is either on a hang tag, shoe box or packaged box. Items Read More →

Saks Fifth Avenue EDI PO

Saks Fifth Avenue EDI PO Additional Information and Special Procedures Saks Fifth Avenue EDI PO additional information concerns “Received-Not-Ordered” shipments, Partial shipments and back orders and EDI System-to-System. Saks Fifth Avenue EDI PO specifies style, color, size of each unit for each store. All vendors are expected to ship according to the issued and approved purchase Read More →