EDI training

SARS EDI Transactions: CUSDEC (CUSTOMS DECLARATION) A CUSDEC (Customs Declaration) message must be received by customs for each declaration. This information will be received centrally at the SARS EDI facility at HeadOffice. Once received, the data is automatically translated to ensure the information received conforms to the UN/EDIFACT syntax rules. Once this is established, a Read More →

matching edi data

Matching EDI Data: BOE Data with IGM Data (SEZ Online System) Upon completion of assessment process by SEZ Authorised Officer, SEZ Online System will attempt to validate BOE data (as per BOE filed by SEZ Unit) with IGM data (as provided by EDI). In case, EDI has provided the IGM and the IGM Data matches with Read More →

EDI training

Receipt of IGM information from EDI System (SEZ Online System) In EDI system, Bill of Entry is processed only if it is successfully linked to IGM / Console Manifest filed by cargo carrier / handling agencies. As IGM is not filed in SEZs, the same was not available earlier with SEZ Online System and could Read More →

EDI pallet label

Dot Foods Pallet Label Guidelines Dot Foods requires that all pallets be labeled with a Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) encoded in GS1-128 symbology. The SSCC (or license plate) will be scanned at receiving to match the product on the pallet to the data contained on the 856 – Advance Ship Notice. SSCC Pallet Label (Actual Read More →