EDI Implementation Guide

Recommendations for Implementing Electronic Data Interchange Implementing Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in a company can be a complex process, but there are some best practices that can help make the implementation smoother and more successful. Here are some steps to consider: Identify your EDI needs: Determine the specific EDI transactions that your company needs to send Read More →


The Difference Between EDI via FTP and HTTPS Both EDI via FTP and EDI via HTTPS are ways to exchange electronic data between two or more organizations. However, there are some key differences between the two. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard protocol used to transfer files between computers on a network. EDI via Read More →

EDI training

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for small companies: any advantages? EDI is the process of exchanging business documents and data electronically between two or more organizations in a structured format. EDI can provide significant benefits for small businesses – let’s talk about benefits. Cost savings EDI can reduce the cost of paper-based transactions and manual data Read More →

EDI Compliance

How to establish EDI transmissions with business partners? Major retailers expect EDI compliance from their trading partners. They require the exchange of EDI transactions such as Purchase Order, Invoice, Advance Ship Notice etc. Furthermore, this will be a major requirement when starting business relationships with big retailers.   Timeliness and accuracy requirements apply to dropshipping operations. Read More →