SARS EDI Transactions: CUSRES (used in conjunction with CUSDEC (IMPORTS/EXPORTS) Once the CUSDEC message has passed translation successfully, it is mapped to the internal file format and passed on to the import / export system. There are various instances where a CUSRES (Customs Response) message could be created. These are: A CUSRES is generated denoting Read More →

EDI training

SARS EDI Transactions: CUSDEC (CUSTOMS DECLARATION) A CUSDEC (Customs Declaration) message must be received by customs for each declaration. This information will be received centrally at the SARS EDI facility at HeadOffice. Once received, the data is automatically translated to ensure the information received conforms to the UN/EDIFACT syntax rules. Once this is established, a Read More →

EDIFACT training

E-Invoice Basics in UN/EDIFACT Standard UN/EDIFACT (the United Nations rules for Elec­tronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) comprise a set of internationally agreed standards, directo­ries, and guidelines for the electronic interchange of structured data, between independent computerized information systems. Recommended within the framework of the Unit­ed Nations, the rules are ap­proved and published by Read More →


How EDI Works: Discovering The Advantages How EDI Works? This is a popular question usually asked by business owners, company managers, operational staff at EDI Academy trainings. Although EDI is quite widespread technology, there still remain some points to be discussed. Those who are not connected to electronic data interchange not always understand the difference Read More →